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WIC Benefits for Women, Infants and Children

Find out how WIC food program benefits help ensure families receive the food needed for growing bodies.

What are WIC benefits?

WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children) provides nutrition, education and more for children and families. Pregnant and postpartum women and infants up to age 5 can receive financial support and supplemental foods, health care referrals, nutrition education and more.

Need Assistance Getting WIC Benefits in Cook County?

We’re here to help.

Our team will pre-screen you to find out if your family is eligible for WIC benefits and refer you to your local Cook County WIC office for assistance.

Contact our team to get started and receive WIC food program benefits that can alleviate financial hardships.



How to Access Cook County WIC Benefits and Other FAQs

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When you receive WIC benefits, you will a variety of services to support your family, including:

  • A monthly food package specifically designed with the nutrition mothers and young children need
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Nutrition education

  • Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or just had a baby
  • Infants and children under five years old (including foster children)
  • Families with low to medium income

Non-citizens are eligible for WIC program benefits. WIC does not count toward the Public Charge rule.

To help families have more access to healthy foods, WIC recipients in Cook County receive an EBT card with their benefits. You can use your EBT card at either a Food and Nutrition Center or any WIC-authorized grocer or retail store. WIC recipients can also choose a few or many available WIC foods each time they shop.

A Food and Nutrition Center (FNC) is a store that only sells WIC foods. FNCs sometimes provide other support services for WIC clients.

For more information and where to apply, contact your local WIC clinic.

The Greater Chicago Food Depository can also help determine if your family is eligible and refer you to your local WIC office. Contact our team at 773-247-3663.

Explore Other Federal and State-Sponsored Programs

If you’re in need, assistance is available. WIC special supplemental nutrition program is just one of many federal and state-sponsored programs that get resources into the hands of those who need them most.

Food & Medical Benefits Programs

Dozens of ripe oranges.

Access the Benefits You Deserve

Food is a human right. Work with our team to get access to the food and medical benefits you need.