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Hunger Beat

Purchasing with a purpose: Working together to end hunger

At Cesar’s Killer Margaritas in Lakeview, Lulu Duran and her siblings are carrying out their parents’ legacy of serving authentic, quality Mexican food – and have been for 33 years now. A key part of that legacy is the value of serving the community.

“Our parents always taught us to give back,” Duran shared. “We’ve always considered giving back to be part of our philosophy.” So, when Duran learned about the opportunity to participate in a cause marketing campaign with the Greater Chicago Food Depository, she jumped at the chance. “The Greater Chicago Food Depository is an organization with a long history of doing great work in Chicago," she said.

"We were excited to partner with you all because we know the huge impact you have on the community."

Supporting the cause

Cesar’s is one of many businesses that supports the Food Depository through cause marketing, where businesses donate a portion of profits, sponsor events or use their platforms to raise awareness and funds for a cause.

A woman stands next to a table of food.

Lulu Duran proudly introduces Cesar's Kid's Meal, with 100% of the profits supporting the Food Depository.

This past summer, Cesar’s donated 100 percent of the profits from every kid’s meal purchased in July to the Food Depository in honor of Make a Difference to Children Month. In addition to the support, they wanted to shed light on childhood hunger. “My siblings and I never went hungry, but that was partially because of the meals we used to receive from school,” Duran said. “We remember how important it was to get that meal from school – for our family and for other families.”

Every September, as part of Hunger Action Month, the Food Depository rolls out our 86 Hunger campaign, where we partner with restaurants in Chicago to raise funds to help feed our neighbors in need.

Participating businesses – including restaurants, hotels and more – offer different promotions that benefit the Food Depository. The restaurants dedicate a dish on their menu to 86 Hunger, and a portion of the sales from that item are donated directly to the Food Depository. The Hyatt Regency Hotel is participating by donating a portion of proceeds from every night’s stay.

An electronic billboard

The Chicago Fire donated part of a game's proceeds to the Food Depository.

Partnering for change

Tata’s Tacos, founded in 2018 by business partners Marci Romero Berner and Julia Paphitis, was one of 7 businesses that also participated in our July campaign this summer.

“When I started this business, I always wanted to make sure that it gave back to the community,” said Romero Berner.

Berner worked in the corporate world for much of her career and discovered the Food Depository through corporate volunteering. “I have volunteered (with the Food Depository) on so many occasions, and I always loved it and appreciated the work that you do,” she said. “When this opportunity came up, I was so excited for the opportunity to partner with you guys.”

Tata’s Tacos donated 10% of their July proceeds from all four of their Chicago locations to the Food Depository.

A woman stands in a restaurant.

Marci Romero Berner is grateful to the Food Depository for helping her give back to her community.

Beyond monthly campaigns, the Food Depository collaborates with businesses throughout the year to raise funds that promote food access in Chicago and Cook County. Partners such as Jeni’s Ice Cream and Connect Roasters donate a portion of their proceeds to the Food Depository year-round, while businesses like the Life Time Turkey Trot and the Affy Tapple company have provided longstanding support at annual events.

Together, with the help of local businesses and community members, we can create lasting change and ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food.

Support local businesses and help ensure our neighbors have access to nutritious food this Hunger Action Month.

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