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Papaya is a good source of vitamin C and vitamin A.
Did you know?
Some countries use papaya seeds as a black pepper alternative!
  • Papayas are melon-like tropical fruit with an orange-colored sweet, soft flesh and edible seeds.
  • The fruit’s flesh contains papain, an enzyme that is a powerful digestive aid.
  • Papaya skin typically yellows as it ripens. To determine if a papaya is ripe, press your thumb against its skin. It’s ripe if you can press down easily.
  • 1 small papaya contains:
    • 106% of your recommended daily value of vitamin C to help heal wounds and to keep teeth and gums healthy.
    • 30% of your recommended daily value of vitamin A to keep eyes and skin healthy and to protect the body against infections.

To prepare papaya, cut in half lengthwise. Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds. Keep seeds for consumption if desired. Peel papaya using a knife or vegetable peeler. Cut as desired. You can eat the fruit raw or cooked.

Try papaya:

  • Raw dressed in lime juice
  • Blended in a smoothie
  • As part of a marinade for meat – papaya are natural meat tenderizers
  • Baked in the oven with cinnamon and sugar for a healthy dessert
  • To refrigerate: Papayas ripen best in room temperature. Once ripe, store the papaya in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  • To freeze: Place cubed papaya on a cookie sheet and place in the freezer. Once frozen, place cubes in plastic containers or freezer-safe plastic bags.
How to dice a papaya
How to dice a papaya

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Baby spinach leaves with water droplets.

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