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Baby spinach leaves with water droplets.
Kiwis are rich in vitamin C and vitamin K.
Did you know?
Despite their larger size and fuzzy outer skin, kiwis are actually berries!
  • Kiwis have fuzzy brown peels, green, yellow or red flesh and small black seeds.
  • Select kiwi that are a little firm and have fuzzy skin without soft spots.
  • Kiwis that are firm will be sour, so let them ripen at room temperature for 3-5 days before eating.
  • 1 cup of fresh kiwi contains:
    • 273% of your recommended daily value of vitamin C to support a health immune system.
    • 89% of your recommended daily value of vitamin K to help with recovery from injuries.

You can eat the peel of kiwis, but you should wash before eating. If you don't want to eat the peel, remove it with a peeler or knife before eating.

Try kiwi:

  • Chopped as part of a fruit salad or salsa
  • Blended into a smoothie
  • Added to your favorite salad
  • Store unripe kiwi at room temperature until ripe, about 3-5 days.
  • To refrigerate: Store ripe kiwi in a plastic bag for up to 2 weeks or without a plastic bag for up to 1 week.
  • To freeze: Cut kiwi with or without peel into pieces or slices. Freeze in a plastic bag or container for up to 1 year.
How to dice a kiwi
How to dice a kiwi

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Baby spinach leaves with water droplets.

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