"A paycheck diminishes really quickly at the grocery store," LaTasha says. "I can't afford to eat what you should. Everything is so expensive."She also fills in the gaps by visiting the food pantry at Chosen Tabernacle Full Gospel. LaTasha lives with her mom, who has a medical condition. "SNAP doesn't always reach you to the end of the month," LaTasha said. "It will give you a lot of the essentials, but this pantry helps make sure my mom and I are able to eat, even if I can't always make ends meet." LaTasha is consistently looking for a new position, but she doesn't want to jeopardize the job she has now. "There is no guarantee there is another one around the corner," LaTasha said. "It's hard, but I hope it gets better. You have to hope it gets better. How can you complain, if you don't have anything?" The Food Depository's Benefits Outreach team helps Cook County residents apply for SNAP. Learn more here.
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