The Greater Chicago Food Depository is looking for third-party partners for potential dry, refrigerated and frozen food storage services.
The Food Depository is seeking a reliable, nimble and diverse local vendor partner for reoccurring storage services. Vendor(s) would be responsible for the safe storage of select food products at specified dates/times, able to grow with our needs and be flexible with real-time adjustments.
This is a request for information only and does not constitute a commitment that the Greater Chicago Food Depository will take procurement action in this matter. If interested in being considered, please submit the information below with the header ‘RFI Storage Response - [ENTER VENDOR NAME]’.
Information Requested
- Company Overview
- History
- Years in business
- Location(s)
- Certifications (MBE, SBE, WOSM, etc.)
- Diversity initiatives
- Accreditation / Relevant Credentials
- Exceptional third-party ‘Good Distribution Practice’ audit scores
- Proof of insurance
- Product quality guarantee
- Food grade safety / storage qualifications (food defense plan, food certifications, proof of HACCP based food safety management system or equivalent, etc.)
- Service Capabilities
- Product specialties
- Storage types (dry, refrigerated, frozen)
- Minimum and maximum capacity by storage type at a given time
- Shipping hours / operation hours
- Location specs (sq. ft., equipment available, etc.)
- Pricing
- Pricing model(s), rates, and any fees (cost per pallet + fees for unloading/loading and/or missed appointment)
- Any minimum requirements
- Discounts based on timeframe, load volume, non-profit partner, etc.
- Payment terms
- Process
- Process overview (how to schedule, make changes, POC, etc.)
- Online ordering system for direct logistics requests
- Delivery windows
- Lead time needed for schedule changes
- Turnaround time for new appointment request
- Average load time