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Simplify the SNAP Process for Older Adults & People with Disabilities

The new Elderly, Disabled Simplified Redetermination Project (EDSRP) makes the SNAP/Link food benefits process easier for older adults and people with disabilities.

The Elderly, Disabled Simplified Redetermination Project (EDSRP)

Older adults and individuals with disabilities now have more time to recertify to receive SNAP and do not have to be interviewed annually.

EDSRP is a federal demonstration project that extends the SNAP recertification period for older adults (60+) and people with a disability to 24 months and removes the annual eligibility interview requirement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Covered Under EDSRP And Other FAQs

Get answers to frequently asked questions about how the Elderly, Disabled Simplified Redetermination Project makes the SNAP/Link benefits process easier.

Older adults over the age of 60 and individuals with a disability are eligible. In order to qualify, all adult members of the household must either be over the age of 60 or disabled.

No. If you receive benefits as a household, all adults in your household must be over the age of 60 or have a disability.

All eligible SNAP households will receive a notice in the mail from the Department of Human Services.

Early December 2022. If you are a SNAP household covered under EDSRP, you will be eligible for the extended recertification period if your case was certified within the past six months.

The redetermination form (1893) will now be printed in large font.

SNAP, formerly called food stamps, is a government program that allows families and individuals the choice to purchase the food they need for healthy lives. In Illinois, SNAP benefits are provided on a Link card that looks and works like a debit card. SNAP benefits help you and your family afford the healthy food you need to thrive.

Yes. SNAP households eligible for EDSRP are required to report changes in income greater thanover $150 within 10 calendar days.

The Department of Human Services will send you a notice in the mail with a date and time for an interview, if required.

Yes. Older adults living in a household with minor children are eligible.

You can apply online at or call the Department of Human Services at 1-800-843-6154.

If you live in Cook County and need help applying or have questions, the Greater Chicago Food Depository can help! Schedule a call or call us directly at 773-247-3663.

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